The Evil Imp

Timing is Everything

Filed under ‘bad timing shame about the publicity image’ Newcastle sees the launch of the Vamos Festival – or !Vamos! with the first ! inverted but we can’t do that with html – a celebration of ‘Spanish and Portuguese speaking global cultures.’

This, just one week after Portugal dumped good old England out of the World Cup in Germany. Now we feel sure that the English folks will not hold that against this festival one bit. Let’s face it they managed to get over the second world war pretty quickly eh?

As for the publicity image; what appears to be a deranged grandad in a Superman® costume is either a work of genius to capitalise on wash-over publicity from the new Superman® film or the result of mentally unstable publicity hacks! We’re taking heavy betting on the latter.

Vamos runs from 7 – 16 July in Newcastle and surrounding hamlets and features all manner of things Spanish and Portuguese.

[ Vamos Webby ]