HD Video Video

Scottish Dance Theatre ‘Second Coming’

At this year’s Edinburgh Fringe Festival the one and only Scottish Dance Theatre took to the stage once again with a work called ‘Second Coming’ by Victor Quijada and overcame a few technical calamities into the bargain.

Basically, nothing technical was working but the company ploughed ahead regardless and showed the audience a facsimile of the show they were all set to present before the powers that be, perhaps angered by the decadence of the festival, made everything explode!

Writings on ‘Second Coming’ are scarce but Mr Quijada, the AD of Rubberband Dance in the United States, says this much about his work;

“With RBDG, Victor Quijada reconciles his opposing dance worlds and their aesthetics: the spontaneity, fearlessness and risk-taking of his younger years in hip-hop culture and the refinement and choreographic maturity of the ballet and contemporary works he immersed himself in as a professional dancer. Victor’s position as a pioneer of this ground-breaking movement form is demonstrated by a decade of research and more than a dozen creations. Beating with the fresh pulse of street attitude and an acute understanding of theatrical staging, his choreographies explore human relationships by harnessing the ardour of obsession, the shock of violence, and the delicate nature of tenderness, comedy, and tragedy with a great deal of honesty and courage.”

During ou interview with the new company AD Fleur Darkin we spoke about the company, their education ideas and what the future plans are for the company in Scotland along with some ideas for supporting independent artists.

‘Second Coming’ is performed by Jori Kerremans, Matthew Robinson, Eve Ganneau, Fhunyue Gao, Manon Greiner, Frank Koene, Natalie Trewinnard and Lewis Wilkins with choreography by Victor Quijada.

Touring for this show and several others from the SDT repertoire continues into the Autumn and beyond, check the company website for details.

Filmed at Zoo Southside, Edinburgh on August 23rd, 2013.

[ Company Website ]