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Ballet Lorent ‘Rapunzel’

When last we saw Ballet Lorent they were performing ‘Underneath the Floorboards’ a show aimed at little kids aged from 0 to 5 years old, and kids that are 0 years old are a tough crowd.

This time out the company have upped the stakes with ‘Rapunzel’, the classic kids fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm, a show for ages 7 all the way to the reluctant adults who have to bring them to the theatre. Reluctant insofar as they really want to come but have to be all “adult” about it and pretend they would rather be gardening or whatever.

For this take on the story some things are a little bit different. The main thing being Rapunzel’s hair is red, not blonde, for this story and there is more focus on her parents and how they deal with their little one being half inched by an evil witch!

Ballet Lorent say this much;

“Full of dark beauty balletLORENT’s new version of the Brothers Grimm fairy tale Rapunzel combines desire, devastation, romance and rescue with spellbinding effect for adults and children alike. Rapunzel is for a family audience with a recommended age of seven years and above.”

Well, they don’t say that much apparently. Anyway, we have footage from the show, of course, as well as interviews with company dancer Debbi Purtill and composer Murray Gold who apparently makes music for some sic-fi TV show we’ve never heard of! (ok, it’s Doctor Who).

‘Rapunzel’ is performed by Gwen Berwick Gavin Coward, John Kendall, Debbi Purtill, Mariusz Raczynski, Caroline Reece, Adam Russell and Philippa White.

The show continues touring throughout this year, check the company’s website for details. Filmed at Northern Stage in newcastle upon tyne on March 22nd 2012.

[ Company Website ]