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Panta Rei Danseteater ‘Private Rite’

It has been more than 3 years since we last featured the goings on at one of Norway’s brightest dance companies. With their latest touring efforts we have ‘Private Rite’ from Canadian dancesmith Hélène Blackburn and ‘WeFiction’ created by the company.

With Panta Rei we have a company that’s all about the movement and custom built music, provided by Nathaniel Reed. Yes we have some themes and variations, and adorable mini-pianos in Ms Blackburn’s work that reminded us of Schroeder from ‘Peanuts’ but Panta Rei is old school and we, here in TheLab™, like that!

The company have this much to say about their work;

“Dette er en koreografi som har vokst fram i nær dialog med danserne. Nyskapte toner med inspirasjon fra norsk folkemusikk kommer fra England, gjennom Nathaniel Reeds spesialskrevne musikk. I denne energiske og vakre forestillingen møter vi tre dansere som byr på seg selv og fører minner fra sine egne liv inn i koreografien.”

“Forestillingen er koreografert av en av Canadas fremste og mest anerkjente koreografer, Hélène Blackburn. Hun har laget en stram, men samtidig en humoristisk og underholdende forestilling som inneholder overraskende elementer. Publikum får være med på en reise inn i dansernes daglige ritualer ? en evig søken etter den perfekte forestillingen.”

Right about now you’re wishing you had paid a lot more attention in those Norwegian classes at school right?

We’re all in Europe kids so let’s get used to it! The premiere of these two works took place on October 22nd at the Coda Dance Festival in Oslo, Norway.

Panta Rei will be touring throughout the new year, check their website for details (including international dates).

‘WeFiction’ and ‘Private Rite’ are performed by Garry Tomlinson, Julie Drønen Ekornes and Silje Bævre Lian with music by Nathaniel Reed.

[ Panta Rei Website ]

Disclosure: Article19 was responsible for creating multi media work for Panta Rei and Coda