HD Video Video

Art of Spectra ‘Boundaries’

Sweden comes to Article19 today in the shape of Art of Spectra and their current touring work ‘Boundaries’, a work that is, as you would expect, all about the boundaries in our lives or the lack thereof.

The company have been creating and touring since 1999 (the same year Article19 came into existence coincidentally) and if the current piece is any indication then we have all been missing out on a lot of great movement. Art of Spectra features a company of dancers so grounded you couldn’t knock them over with a bulldozer, this is a good thing.

AoS say this much;

“Peter Svenzon has for Art Of Spectra created an exciting and dynamic new creation with an international cast. In an atmosphere inspired by the worlds of David Lynch, he examines general human issues in this physical, expressive and uploaded performance. The multi cultural background of the dancers bringing different experience of boundaries and environments has influenced the creation of Avgränsat.”

Touring is ongoing so check the company website for more details. Our feature brings you a feature on the work itself as well as an interview piece with company AD Peter Svenzon and company manager and dancer Ulriqa Fernqvist.

‘Boundaries’ is performed by Ulriqa Fernqvist, Sosso Harryson, Morgan Karlsson, Hannes Lundin and Raymond Roa. With choreography by Peter Svenson and additional music by Sharooz Raoofi. (Peter Svenzon replaced Morgan Karlsson for this performance).

Filmed at @Space, University of Leeds on March 30th 2012. This feature was funded in part by Arts Council England.

[ Company Website ]