SD Video Video

BalletLorent ‘The Ball’

In our end of year review we speculated that this performance may be the most unique thing this year and we were not disappointed. In fact is was difficult to know where the performance ended and the party started for the audience and dancers alike.

The Ball avoids the usual barriers between dancer and audience placing the viewing public right in the middle of the action. As the main performance element of the show draws to a close after over an hour of dancing the audience simply join in with the ten professionals and the music keeps on playing until the night is over.

As you know we don’t do reviews whether we like the show or not but this show is definitely worth spending an evening on. At £17 full price and £12 concession it’s not cheap but you do get to join in and there is free wine and food to add to the evenings atmosphere.

The Ball is performed by:

Debbi Purtill, Caroline Reece, Marius Raczynski, David Rae, Gwen Berwick, Jane Mason, Iain Payne, Ray Roa, Pete Russell and Kelly Wilson with choreography and direction by Liv Lorent.

If you would like any further information about The Ball or BalletLorent then call Christine Grimwood on 0191 261 0505.

This video was updated in January 2011.