
Contemporary Dance Is Rubbish

by Ira Schiff We’ve all been there. A dancer is on the stage bellowing his or her life story into a microphone whilst executing some random movement. From nowhere, and for no apparent reason, another dancer rushes across the stage wearing a crash helmet and runs straight into an adjacent wall. All the while, a […]


Death of the Sequence

By Neil Nisbet Several years ago a documentary on William Forsythe showed the American dance maker creating a solo with one of his dancers from Ballet Frankfurt. The two were engaged in a one on one creative battle to squeeze every ounce of precision out of a sequence of movement, the position of a hand, […]


DCMS/DanceUK Keep Quacking

Article19 reported in January last year on the formation of the Department for Culture Media and Sport’s (DCMS) ‘Dance Forum’ a group of administrators that would gather several times per year and discuss issues pertinent to dance so their conclusions could be relayed to central government for action. The Forum is administrated by DanceUK the […]


2006 The Year That Was

Article19 rolls into its sixth year online with our traditional end of year review. Unlike other publications we actually write ours after the year is over, not like the clowns in the national press who do theirs in July while on holiday in Tenerife! Why else do you think they never mention something that happens […]


Therapeutic Moves

by Susan Cunningham Therapy is one of those words in the English language that is often misused. People talk light-heartedly of going for “retail therapy” and at the other end of the scale we often hear of people going in to therapy to treat drug or alcohol addiction. The actual definition of therapy lies somewhere […]


Where Are The Dancers?

During a second round World Cup match this summer between Italy and Australia in Germany an Italian player, Fabio Grosso, collapsed in a heap on top of Australian player Lucas Neill. The Italians were awarded a penalty, scored it, end of game, end of tournament for Australia. The only problem is that several high definition, […]


ACE & Special Interests

The recent internal review by Arts Council England (ACE) that led to the decision to uphold its own ruling on refusing access to detailed financial information about MJW Productions and Channel 4 Television illustrates that ACE is more concerned with protecting big name clients than it is in answering concerns about a funding and decision […]


Playing the Numbers

We begin a detailed analysis of dance funding over the last 12 months and then some with a look at Article19 ‘s local region (the North East of England) covered by Arts Council England North East (ACE NE). Reading press releases, hyperbole and gushing praise from the high and mighty in the arts world you […]


Value vs Cost

by Neil Nisbet Here at Article19 we are quick to comment on Arts Council England and large dance organisations when it appears they are not doing their jobs quite as effectively as we might expect them to. We rarely pass comment on the failings of choreographers, particularly those new to the field, when they make […]


Dance Europe And Israel

by Neil Nisbet The news story reported yesterday on Article19 and a few days before in the dance ‘blogosphere ‘ concerning Dance Europe and their policy of not featuring Israeli dance companies unless they denounce their own government’s policies regarding The West Bank and Gaza Strip shows a disturbing level of arrogance and lack of […]