
ANDA In A Spin

by Ira Schiff The UK has been enthralled, (or is it bored stupid?), by the ongoing scuffle between the BBC and the government over “dodgy dossiers”, spin, creative writing and outright lies. If nothing else this little scuffle has highlighted how writing and the documents presented to the people can paint a very rosy picture […]


Meeting of Minds, Banging of Heads

by Neil Nisbet How many Ballet Directors does it take to change a light bulb? 26, one to change the light bulb and the other 25 will do it ‘after ‘ the first one. If you did not get that joke then you are probably not a serious ballet fan or regular visitor to the […]


Art At Any Cost

by Neil Nisbet This editorial began life as a simple news story about why Whiteoak Dance Project were accepting sponsorship from the world biggest tobacco company, Phillip Morris Industries and what they [the company] had to say about it. Since we began asking questions however a great deal has emerged about the scale of big […]


It’s All Your Fault!

by Neil Nisbet Welcome dear reader. Settle back in your favourite armchair, get a hot cup of cocoa and a rich tea biscuit and make sure you’re settled. Why? Because Article19 is about to explain why the lack of funding for the arts is all your fault! That’s right it’s your fault and probably the […]