The Evil Imp

Being Fired For Effect?

There are a couple of tricks in the film business that are recommended for all of those new to the game. If you’re the director then always print the very first shot you take so the rest of the crew have confidence in you and the second one is hire someone just so you can […]

The Evil Imp

The Sad Kitchen

If you have been paying attention you will remember the story we told you a few weeks ago about Sadler’s Wells/ “launching” a “new” video player on their respective websites. Both sites are run by the London theatre. It turns out that this “new player” was nothing more than a video hosting platform called Brightcove, […]

The Evil Imp

Dance Umbrella Goes Global!

Here in the UK you may not be too familiar with the US cable news channel MSNBC, a 24 hour operation operated by NBC and, oddly enough, Microsoft. With that in mind you may be startled to learn that they ran a quick segment on Dance Umbrella. Before folks get too excited about this global […]

The Evil Imp

Why The Hate?

Why do they do it? Why do they hate dancers so? What have they done to deserve it? Why, why why? What the hell are we talking about you ask? Among their many crimes in the online space The Place and’s most egregious sin is wasting the time of professional dancers looking for work. […]

The Evil Imp

Epic Fail?

It’s no secret at all that Arts Council England (ACE) doesn’t know its technological arse from its elbow. Only ACE could spend millions on a computer system that doesn’t speed up funding applications, doesn’t allow you to make funding applications online and doesn’t actually do anything at all an industrious individual with an iPhone couldn’t […]

The Evil Imp

No Prize for Old Rope

The Place Prize has been lurching around in London for a while now, they have made it to the semi-finals stage, but unless you live in London and actually attend one of the performances you would probably never know it existed. The Place themselves will probably give you several reasons, most of which are completely […]

The Evil Imp

Blogging ACE

When it comes to openness and transparency Arts Council England (ACE) bears more than a passing resemblance to a very large brick wall. That is to say, they are the very antithesis of being transparent. If you’re still reading after that most tortured of metaphors then we shall proffer a simple apology and continue. With […]

The Evil Imp

On Bended Knee

When it comes to pandering and sucking up nobody does it like the PR folks at Convent Garden’s Royal Opera House. When they want to kiss some ass they go all in, charging at the wall full tilt until all you have left is an ROH PR person shaped hole in the wall. ROH, home […]

The Evil Imp

Money For Nothing (Tickets for Free)

Do you have some spare time on your hands? Do you want to earn £40,000 per year for just 2 days work per week? Do you have a knighthood and a pin stripe suit? Have you given up actually working for a living and feel like coasting towards retirement? Then Arts Council England is looking […]

The Evil Imp

Political Jab

US politics continues to deliver the very best in political satire with the latest cartoon from the Jib Jab crew who became famous back in 2004 with their ‘This Land’ video. Taking it, lightheartedly, in the neck this time around are John McCain and Barack Obama, both presumptive nominees for their respective parties. Bob Dylan […]