The Evil Imp

Firing for Effect

Arts Council England (ACE) in their latest attempt to convince everybody that they are not racist and they “get” people that have a skin colour other than white have done what any self respecting organisation does in this day and age, they have launched a website! Now let’s get one thing clear straight way. If […]

The Evil Imp

Ballet Umbrage

The world of classical ballet, at least the very small part of that world in London, is having a bit of a flap , to say nothing of the journalists having a field day with the headline writing, about Ross Stretton and his recently released interview containing details of his time at The Royal Ballet. […]

The Evil Imp


One of TheLab’s™ digital stills cameras, when equipped with a 4 Gigabyte memory card, will shoot, almost continuously, 860 high resolution photographs. A project that we are currently covering has already amassed almost 2,000 usable images (meaning they are well exposed and the subject is sharp and in focus). In our current video archive we […]

The Evil Imp

Panda Fines

You may remember a little while ago a short story regarding the Atlanta Ballet and a dancer in a Panda costume tumbling from the stage into the open, and empty, orchestra pit! No? What do you mean you forgot about it? Anyway, it would appear that the hammer has fallen on said ballet company with […]

The Evil Imp

Harder Than It Used To Be

The basic principals of subsidising art are, fundementally, to make that art happen when otherwise it would not and to make that art accessible to people whom otherwise could not access it for financial or other reasons. Let us regale you then with the tale of the confusingly monikered “The Public” art gallery in West […]

The Evil Imp

Pull The Other One!

It’s not at all clear what was going through the collective mind of the creative team behind Phoenix Dance Theatre’s new show ‘Cattle Call’, if anything at all, but from our perspective, here in TheLab™, somebody, somewhere is making a very big mistake. The main problem, although there are many with this show, is that […]

The Evil Imp

Out Of The Box

Nobody who works in this business on a regular basis would deny that some dance makers can be (say it quietly) a little bit pretentious! Or hugely pretentious come to think of it. All too often they will spend more time waxing lyrical about their work than actually working on their work. (the language is […]

The Evil Imp

The Main Event

The question that has often been asked is; “can dance be the main event?” Meaning, is this much maligned art-form capable of catching the public’s attention in the same way as feature films and rock concerts and can it do so on a large scale? Often times the answer is; “no it can’t!” Dance performances […]

The Evil Imp

Eating All The Pies

Some of you may well have noticed, and most you will not care one bit, that Arts Council England (ACE) has a new boss in the shape of Alan Davey their new Chief Executive. When there’s a change of leadership the hope is that things are going to be better than they were before. Considering […]

The Evil Imp

Magic Roundabout

File this one under “don’t we make fun of you enough already?” because Wayne McGregor has become the all new, the one and only, wait for it……. “Youth Dance Champion” (seriously, stop giggling at the back!) That’s right boys and girls; Just like Hercules, Perseus and Doogal from the Magic Roundabout the young folks of […]