The Evil Imp

StreB(ed) Out

It’s unusual for members of the dance fraternity to engage in open warfare, through the media, but that is what’s happening between Terry Dean Bartlett and Elizabeth Streb, the AD of Streb Extreme Action (yes, that’s really what the company is called!) Our European readers may be in the dark a little about just what […]

The Evil Imp

Any Slower and You’ll Stop

The latest dance “media” project causing a fuss in the wide world of dance is the ‘Slow Dances’ project by David Michalek, an artist of sorts who has chosen to point high speed film cameras at dancers, and little else! Essentially, a dancer does a five second piece of movement filmed at approximately 1000 frames […]

The Evil Imp

A New Hope?

The new Minister for Culture, Media and Sport in England, James Purnell, has promised to put an end to the mantra of achieving targets that have made the arts into little more than a process of arithmetic deduction for several years now. He made these promises during a speech at the National Portrait Gallery in […]

The Evil Imp

Babel Fish

Fauston Carpet of the Amsterdam Research and Science Enterprise guest blogs on the Evil Imp to decipher the recently released job description for the new Artistic Director of Dance City in Newcastle upon Tyne. The National Dance Agency is sans leadership at the moment because the last one, Janet Archer, now works for ACE in […]

The Evil Imp

Says It All Really!

We’ll have more on this over the weekend! [ Fancy a Well Paid Job? ]

The Evil Imp

Curioser and Curioser

A couple of strange things have popped up today in some audition notices, well, one is curious and the other one unintentionally prompted us, here in TheLab™, to almost throw up. An audition notice for a television show on LivingTV states thus; “We’re looking for talented, great-looking male dancers for a dance competition show which […]

The Evil Imp

Has A Bulb Gone?

Staring into the inky murk on stage, shapes shift unnoticed from side to side, front to back, duets come together, intertwine, move on and repeat with effortless grace. A trio slides onto the stage from the left at the rear, three highly skilled dancers execute rapid flashes of movement, perfectly in synch, their musicality is […]

The Evil Imp

Start Your Engines!

Please forgive us for just a moment, because we are about to indulge our inner child and present you with a unique opportunity to spread the good word about your favourite dance magazine. What you see above is Article19’s very own race car, well, one of several of our race cars but we chose the […]

The Evil Imp

Could’a Should’a Would’a

Those of you who follow US politics will be familiar with the mantra of the Bush administration when any of the President’s advisers are asked to testify before Congress about what bare faced lie or illegal act they have been responsible for lately. “Revealing what was said between the President and his advisors would restrict […]

The Evil Imp

Expensive New Toy

As the rest of the arts in the UK struggle to come to grips with the massive cuts to Grants For The Arts (GFA) made by Arts Council England (ACE) the Royal Opera House (ROH) in London has decided to splash out on its very own DVD distribution company. ROH has bought Opus Arte UK […]