The Evil Imp

Stop The Madness

Olympics Update 2: News reaches TheLab™ that the cost of staging the 2012 Olympics in London has now ballooned to a staggering £9billion GBP ($17.5billion USD) up from the previously forecast total of “only” £2.8billion GBP ($5.4billion USD). Over £2billion is reserved for contingency funding just in case the whole thing blows up the faces […]

The Evil Imp

Billy No Mates

Here in TheLab™ we have absolutely nothing against rich people. If we were burdened with massive wealth we would be doing the same thing as we are now but in a place with heating, running water and a few less giant rodents gnawing on the power cables! With that in mind we turn to Philip […]

The Evil Imp

Declaration of …………

Press releases are funny things, if for no other reason than they are usually terminally boring or patently ridiculous. The latest from Rambert Dance Company (the best dance company in the world if you believe their hype) is one such example. Sue Wyatt, a lady we have never met, has resigned as Chief Executive of […]

The Evil Imp

Are You Gay, Lesbian or Other?

It would now appear that apart from asking the usual questions about your name, address, and telephone number on their funding application, Arts Council England would very much like to know, if it’s no bother, your sexual orientation! ACE, when asked, were a little unsure when the questions were added to the form but they […]

The Evil Imp

The Great Debate (Sort Of)

It seems our little piece slapping Scottish Ballet around has ruffled a few feathers, including those of one of the dancers involved, with the good folks in dance coming down on both sides of the argument for and against using your dancers as stooges to raise useless sums of money., a website that should […]

The Evil Imp

Dancers For Sale

In a sign of the increasing desperation marketing savvy of the dance world Scottish Ballet has decided to put two of its dancers on the meat open market. An online auction on eBay offers up dinner for two with either Soon Ja Lee or Jarrko Lehmus, both soloists with the company. The auction entry describes […]

The Evil Imp

Wayne’s World

Wayne McGregor has been nominated for roughly 345,673 awards in the slew of prize giving ceremonies that are slated to be announced in the coming weeks, months and years. Among the nominations are: Acme™ GrowHairFast™ ‘Most Gullible Customer’ Award Time Magazine ‘Man of the Year’ Award Horticulture Society Best ‘bastard toadflax’ Award Time Magazine ‘Woman […]

The Evil Imp

Dr King Day, Watch and Learn

With the farcical nonsense surrounding Simone Clarke and her membership of the BNP getting more and more out of control it is perhaps time to pause for thought. Today is Martin Luther King Jr. day in the United States in memory of the greatest civil rights campaigner that ever was and the wonder of technology […]

The Evil Imp


The press flacks at the English National Ballet (ENB) will be wishing they didn’t have to get out of bed this morning after they found out a group of ‘anti-fascists’ will be picketing the London Coliseum in protest at principal dancer Simone Clarke’s membership of the BNP. At present the best they can come up […]

The Evil Imp

Lego Bricks

News reaches us that Malcolm Fraser, he’s an architect (allegedly), will be in charge of building the Scottish Ballet’s new home at the Tramway in Glasgow. Normally such things wouldn’t concern us since SB is a ballet company, obviously, and the less said about architects the better. However, a quick glance at the images of […]