HD Video Video

Theo Clinkard ‘Ordinary Courage’

Theo Clinkard’s company is a relative newbie in the wide world of dance having been in existence since 2012 although Mr Clinkard himself has been working (as a dancer) for almost 20 years now. ‘Ordinary Courage’ was the company’s inaugural work and has been touring on and off ever since and with this current tour […]

HD Video Video

National Dance Company Wales ‘Interview Feature’

National Dance Company Wales, the national dance company in Wales (just in case that wasn’t clear, Ed!) are back on the road with a new series of works both old and new. The repertoire will change from venue to venue but when we, here in TheLab™, caught up with them the company were performing ‘Mythology’ […]

HD Video Video

National Dance Company Wales ‘Mythology’

National Dance Company Wales, the national dance company in Wales (just in case that wasn’t clear, Ed!) are back on the road with a new series of works both old and new. The repertoire will change from venue to venue but when we, here in TheLab™, caught up with them the company were performing ‘Mythology’ […]

HD Video Video

Chris Pavia

When discussing 32 year old professional dancer Chris Pavia with his colleagues and friends at Stopgap Dance Company they tell you about a jovial, committed, diligent dancer, choreographer and teacher who’s abilities in all there fields have progressed steadily over the last 18 years he has spent with the company. Chris is also imbued with […]

HD Video Video

Hanna Rotchell

Twenty one year old Hannah Rotchell is a ready and eager to admit that her mother probably sent her to her first dance lessons at the age of three in Tunbridge, Kent for a very straight forward reason. To get the hyperactive youngster out of the house and into a place where she could expend […]

HD Video Video

Compagnie T-d’U “All the things…”

And now for something a little bit different. Compagnie T-d’U is not a dance company but a theatre company comprised of four actors and their work ‘All the things you said you never said before you thought you could ever say’ (that’s the full title) is more physical theatre than a dance show. Adding to […]

HD Video Video

Ballet de Lorraine ‘Hedda’ Interview Feature

For the most recent Coda Dance Festival in Oslo Ballet de Lorraine from Nancy in France brought a new work from Norwegian dance maker Ingun Bjórnsgaard. The work was part of a curated season of pieces made by female choreographers from company director Petter Jacobsson. For that season of work Mr Jacobsson wanted to question […]

HD Video Video

Ballet de Lorraine ‘Hedda’

For the most recent Coda Dance Festival in Oslo Ballet de Lorraine from Nancy in France brought a new work from Norwegian dance maker Ingun Bjórnsgaard. The work was part of a curated season of pieces made by female choreographers from company director Petter Jacobsson. For that season of work Mr Jacobsson wanted to question […]

HD Video Video

EDge 2015 ‘A Power To Bring Light…’

For fourteen years now the post graduate company EDge from London Contemporary Dance School have been roaming these lands plying their trade and teaching graduates the finer points of being professional dancers. Now under the watchful eye of AD Jeanne Yasko the company is presenting works by Trisha Brown ‘Canto/Pianto’, Yael Flexer ‘The Living Room’, […]

HD Video Video

EDge 2014

For fourteen years now the post graduate company EDge from London Contemporary Dance School have been roaming these lands plying their trade and teaching graduates the finer points of being professional dancers. Now under the watchful eye of AD Jeanne Yasko the company is presenting works by Trisha Brown ‘Canto/Pianto’, Yael Flexer ‘The Living Room’, […]