HD Video Video

Ballet de Lorraine ‘Hedda’ Interview Feature

For the most recent Coda Dance Festival in Oslo Ballet de Lorraine from Nancy in France brought a new work from Norwegian dance maker Ingun Bjórnsgaard. The work was part of a curated season of pieces made by female choreographers from company director Petter Jacobsson. For that season of work Mr Jacobsson wanted to question […]

HD Video Video

Ballet de Lorraine ‘Hedda’

For the most recent Coda Dance Festival in Oslo Ballet de Lorraine from Nancy in France brought a new work from Norwegian dance maker Ingun Bjórnsgaard. The work was part of a curated season of pieces made by female choreographers from company director Petter Jacobsson. For that season of work Mr Jacobsson wanted to question […]

HD Video Video

EDge 2015 ‘A Power To Bring Light…’

For fourteen years now the post graduate company EDge from London Contemporary Dance School have been roaming these lands plying their trade and teaching graduates the finer points of being professional dancers. Now under the watchful eye of AD Jeanne Yasko the company is presenting works by Trisha Brown ‘Canto/Pianto’, Yael Flexer ‘The Living Room’, […]

HD Video Video

EDge 2014

For fourteen years now the post graduate company EDge from London Contemporary Dance School have been roaming these lands plying their trade and teaching graduates the finer points of being professional dancers. Now under the watchful eye of AD Jeanne Yasko the company is presenting works by Trisha Brown ‘Canto/Pianto’, Yael Flexer ‘The Living Room’, […]


Danish Dance Theatre ‘Interview Feature’

We last featured Danish Dance Theatre in 2011 with their UK tour of ‘CaDance’ featuring three works from company director Tim Rushton. This time out the company was on a more limited UK tour with some specially revised works for half of the company’s dancers. ‘End of Loneliness’ (featured here) and ‘Riverside’ were also created […]

HD Video Video

Danish Dance Theatre ‘End of Loneliness’

We last featured Danish Dance Theatre in 2011 with their UK tour of ‘CaDance’ featuring three works from company director Tim Rushton. This time out the company was on a more limited UK tour with some specially revised works for half of the company’s dancers. ‘End of Loneliness’ (featured here) and ‘Riverside’ were also created […]

HD Video Video

JV2 ‘Interview Feature’

Out in the wild for their second tour is the post graduate company with a difference created by Jasmin Vardimon, JV2. This time out the company is showing works by Ms Vardimon ‘Tomorrow’, Paul Blackman and Christine Gouzelis ‘Vohlfs’ and ‘Purgatory: Nothing 2 Say’ by David Lloyd. JV2 was created to broaden the base skills […]

HD Video Video

JV2 2014 ‘Tomorrow’

Out in the wild for their second tour is the post graduate company with a difference created by Jasmin Vardimon, JV2. This time out the company is showing works by Ms Vardimon ‘Tomorrow’, Paul Blackman and Christine Gouzelis ‘Vohlfs’ and ‘Purgatory: Nothing 2 Say’ by David Lloyd. JV2 was created to broaden the base skills […]

HD Video Video

Verve 2014 ‘Interview Feature’

Welcome dear readers for what is our 7th year of covering the exploits of the post-graduate company from Northern School of Contemporary Dance, that company being Verve. This time out the group of 12 dancers are tackling work by Lea Anderson ‘Re-Wind’, Gemma Nixon and Jonathan Goddard ‘Mute’, Ben Duke ‘You, Me, The Door and […]

HD Video Video

Verve 2014 ‘Mute’

Welcome dear readers for what is our 7th year of covering the exploits of the post-graduate company from Northern School of Contemporary Dance, that company being Verve. This time out the group of 12 dancers are tackling work by Lea Anderson ‘Re-Wind’, Gemma Nixon and Jonathan Goddard ‘Mute’, Ben Duke ‘You, Me, The Door and […]