HD Video Video

The C.A.T

For young dancers looking to make the transition from having some fun in dance classes during the week to having some fun in dance classes with the added bonus of studious technique training, health monitoring, summer intensives and regular performances then the establishment of the Centre For Advanced Training programme more than 10 years ago […]

HD Video Video

Nikki O’Hara and Rosie Kay

Within the wide world of dance there is a persistent debate about the role of women in the profession and the astonishing lack of opportunities available to the gender that outnumbers men by a considerable margin. One reason, often cited by those “in the know”, is that women have children and little ones scampering about […]

HD Video Video

Natalie Trewinnard

When speaking to Janet Smith, the former Artistic Director of Scottish Dance Theatre and current principal of Northern School of Contemporary Dance, about Natalie Trewinnard, the dancer she invited into that company’s apprenticeship programme several years ago, she says; “I realised that we had invited in a Tigress on stage and a mouse into the […]

HD Video Video

Jasmin Vardimon Company ‘Park’

It is not too often that we revisit a contemporary dance work for re-featuring but there is a trend, sort of, with contemporary dance companies bringing older works back for a second round of touring in the wider world of dance. ‘Park’ from Jasmin Vardimon is one such work having previously bowed in 2005 the […]

HD Video Video

Rutherford Dance Company ‘Never Going Home Again’

New dance company on the block time with Rutherford Dance Company and their new piece ‘Never Going Home Again’ created by the titular artistic director Adam Rutherford a long time professional dancer and rehearsal director with 2Faced Dance Company among others. ‘Never Going Home Again’ takes a look at the increasingly anarchic situation in Russia […]

HD Video Video


Sometimes, here in TheLab™, things can get a little bit delayed and this particular video feature has been delayed since June of last year when we filmed the graduating class of 2015 of Northern School of Contemporary Dance. All of these dancers are now in the wild, so to speak, finding their way in the […]

HD Video Video

NSCD Graduation Ben Duke ‘Untitled’

Sometimes, here in TheLab™, things can get a little bit delayed and this particular video feature has been delayed since June of last year when we filmed the graduating class of 2015 of Northern School of Contemporary Dance. All of these dancers are now in the wild, so to speak, finding their way in the […]

HD Video Video

Rosie Kay Dance Company ‘5 Soldiers’

We first featured ‘5 Soldiers’ from Rosie Kay Dance Company almost five years ago during its inaugural tour in 2010. Unusually for a contemporary dance work it’s still touring, with an all new cast, and making people think about all the wars we keep fighting. The piece itself tells the story of a group of […]

HD Video Video

EDge 2015 ‘Treasure’

It’s EDge time again as the post graduate company from the London Contemporary Dance School take to the road with four new works from dance makers Siobhan Davies, Eleesha Drennan, Robert Clark and Itamar Serussi. Combine those four with the 12 superb dancers from the company and you have a rich mix of creative work […]


EDge 2015 ‘Interview Feature’

It’s EDge time again as the post graduate company from the London Contemporary Dance School take to the road with four new works from dance makers Siobhan Davies, Eleesha Drennan, Robert Clark and Itamar Serussi. Combine those four with the 12 superb dancers from the company and you have a rich mix of creative work […]