SD Video Video

Irven Lewis ‘No Time’

The third feature from the recent Big Mission Festival brings Irven Lewis Dance Theatre back onto the pages of Article19 with a new solo work, in progress, called ‘No Time’. Performed by dancer Natalie James and a soundtrack by Bridget Gray, this work is a deft observation of the relationship between Hip Hop culture and […]

SD Video Video

Rosie Kay Dance Company ‘Double Points:K’

Hear this, because we’re bringing you our first video feature from the recently completed International Dance Festival Birmingham which folded up its collective tents over the weekend. Rosie Kay Dance Company have followed a slightly unusual path to creating this work. ‘Double Points: K’ takes it’s inspiration from another piece of work by Dutch dance […]

SD Video Video

Akram Khan Company ‘Bahok’

One of the UK’s best known dance makers comes to Article19 with ‘Bahok’ a show created in collaboration with the National Ballet of China, and it’s not often you get to work with those guys. The show follows the theme of a group of travellers trapped in an airport where the mix of cultures and […]

SD Video Video

Gravity and Levity ‘Shift’

The last time we featured Gravity and Levity was a good few years ago, way back during BDE 2006 as it happens, and on that occasion giant hamster wheels were the order of the day. This time out with their new work ‘Shift’ the company bring us one of the most complicated set designs we […]

SD Video Video

Pair Dance ‘Silent Steps’

The recent Big Mission Festival that took place in Swindon last week is living proof that the festival circuit is the best place to look for new hidden gems from dance makers. Harriet Macauley’s Pair Dance brought ‘Silent Steps’ to the table and provided the morning audience (the festival started in the morning and kept […]

SD Video Video

ACE Dance and Music ‘Letlalo’

Our second feature from The Big Mission festival, more to follow next week, shows ACE Dance and Music in full flight performing one their works from the ‘Skin’ tour. ‘Letlalo’, choreographed by Vincent Mantsoe, features about 5 minutes of gentle adage work and 30 minutes of hard core dancing performed at full speed by the […]

SD Video Video

Verve 2008 ‘Thought Like A Raindrop’

It’s predictable isn’t it? Last year we brought you Verve 07 and this year we bring you Verve 08. The endless mysteries of the randomness of the universe shattered by a writer who never was very good at writing the introductions to video features! (you don’t say? Ed!) So without further ado we bring you […]

SD Video Video

Verve 08 ‘The New Breed’

It’s predictable isn’t it? Last year we brought you Verve 07 and this year we bring you Verve 08. The endless mysteries of the randomness of the universe shattered by a writer who never was very good at writing the introductions to video features! (you don’t say? Ed!) So without further ado we bring you […]

SD Video Video

Retina ‘This is not a body’

Our second video feature for Retina comes in the shape of ‘This is not a Body’ created by the company’s AD Fillip Van Huffel and set to a backdrop of shifting colours and shapes designed by Brian Hartley.

SD Video Video

Probe ‘Magpie’

Often there are times when you go to the theatre for a show and feel a little short changed because all you got was one or two pieces of work and not a lot else. Not so with Probe however who put on no fewer than seven individual works for their evening of dance.