HD Video Video

EDge 2014

For fourteen years now the post graduate company EDge from London Contemporary Dance School have been roaming these lands plying their trade and teaching graduates the finer points of being professional dancers.

Now under the watchful eye of AD Jeanne Yasko the company is presenting works by Trisha Brown ‘Canto/Pianto’, Yael Flexer ‘The Living Room’, Maya Levy ‘Spring on Mars’ and Ben Wright’s improbably titled ‘a power to bring light into a darkened room’.

There are an additional two works in the current rep from Idan Cohen and Joe Moran but the company runs four works per show so those two works were resting for this particular show.

LCDS say this much about EDge;

“A major part of EDge’s activity is to work with high-calibre professional dance choreographers & an artistic director, touring programmes of original work and repertory to venues nationally and internationally. In addition to this touring, EDge engage in a broad variety of other projects exploring the creative process; using dance film, professional improvisational work or site-specific choreography. This allows further collaboration with dance organisations and artists across the industry.”

Along with footage from the show we bring you interviews with AD Jeanne Yasko and company dancer Ellyn Hebron. The company will continue to tour for the next few months across the UK and into Europe and Israel.

Check their website for further details.

EDge 2014 is performed by Desirée Attard, Sara Barney, Hannah Barron, Lizzie Croucher, Luke Ganz, Ellyn Hebron, James Kay, Michael Kriempardis, Ryan Lange, Julian Lewis, George Pelagias and Elena Tsikitikou.

Filmed at The Riley Theatre in Leeds on April 28th 2014.

[ Company Website ]