The Evil Imp

Money For Nothing (Tickets for Free)

Do you have some spare time on your hands? Do you want to earn £40,000 per year for just 2 days work per week? Do you have a knighthood and a pin stripe suit? Have you given up actually working for a living and feel like coasting towards retirement? Then Arts Council England is looking […]

The Evil Imp

On Bended Knee

When it comes to pandering and sucking up nobody does it like the PR folks at Convent Garden’s Royal Opera House. When they want to kiss some ass they go all in, charging at the wall full tilt until all you have left is an ROH PR person shaped hole in the wall. ROH, home […]

The Evil Imp

Political Jab

US politics continues to deliver the very best in political satire with the latest cartoon from the Jib Jab crew who became famous back in 2004 with their ‘This Land’ video. Taking it, lightheartedly, in the neck this time around are John McCain and Barack Obama, both presumptive nominees for their respective parties. Bob Dylan […]

The Evil Imp

Firing for Effect

Arts Council England (ACE) in their latest attempt to convince everybody that they are not racist and they “get” people that have a skin colour other than white have done what any self respecting organisation does in this day and age, they have launched a website! Now let’s get one thing clear straight way. If […]

SD Video Video

Bare Bones ‘In Action’

The title of the show isn’t all that but Bare Bones are back for version 6 of their campaign to keep dancing as square as possible, meaning the shape of the performance space! Things are a little bit different this time because we have one more dancer than usual (six instead of five) and the […]

The Evil Imp


One of TheLab’s™ digital stills cameras, when equipped with a 4 Gigabyte memory card, will shoot, almost continuously, 860 high resolution photographs. A project that we are currently covering has already amassed almost 2,000 usable images (meaning they are well exposed and the subject is sharp and in focus). In our current video archive we […]

The Evil Imp

Ballet Umbrage

The world of classical ballet, at least the very small part of that world in London, is having a bit of a flap , to say nothing of the journalists having a field day with the headline writing, about Ross Stretton and his recently released interview containing details of his time at The Royal Ballet. […]

SD Video Video

Irven Lewis ‘No Time’

The third feature from the recent Big Mission Festival brings Irven Lewis Dance Theatre back onto the pages of Article19 with a new solo work, in progress, called ‘No Time’. Performed by dancer Natalie James and a soundtrack by Bridget Gray, this work is a deft observation of the relationship between Hip Hop culture and […]

The Evil Imp

Panda Fines

You may remember a little while ago a short story regarding the Atlanta Ballet and a dancer in a Panda costume tumbling from the stage into the open, and empty, orchestra pit! No? What do you mean you forgot about it? Anyway, it would appear that the hammer has fallen on said ballet company with […]

The Evil Imp

Harder Than It Used To Be

The basic principals of subsidising art are, fundementally, to make that art happen when otherwise it would not and to make that art accessible to people whom otherwise could not access it for financial or other reasons. Let us regale you then with the tale of the confusingly monikered “The Public” art gallery in West […]