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Shobana Jeyasingh Co. ‘Faultline’

Following our interview with Shobana Jeyasingh a happy coincidence means we can now bring you a video feature on one of the company’s current touring productions ‘Faultline’.

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Jonathan Lunn Co. ‘Self Assembly’

‘Self Assembly’ is the beginnings of a much larger piece and if this small segment is anything to go by then were in for a treat when the thing finally gets finished.

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Candoco ‘And who shall go to the ball’

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Jean Abreu ‘Dialogo’

‘Dialogo’ means Dialogue and this work was one of several solo pieces on show at the British Dance Edition. Although strictly speaking it’s not a solo since Mr Abreu appears on stage with his musician Attab Hoddad throughout the piece.

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Stephanie Schober ‘Newly’

When we hear that a dance work is going to be performed in silence we, here in TheLab™, become just a little bit wary. Music, for us, is so intrinsically linked to a choreographic piece of work it’s a bit like taking the engine out of a Ferrari and getting excited about pushing it around.

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Liz Lea ‘Quicksliver’

Liz Lea’s ‘Quicksliver’ is the second of our featured solo works from BDE 08. Often times the solo can be a hit and miss affair usually because the work goes on way to long. ‘Quicksliver’ does the job right though by keeping the length, pacing and performance at just the right levels.

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New Art Club ‘The Visible Men’

If you like your dance with virtuoso physicality then New Art Club is not for you. Tom Roden and Pete Shenton have made an entire repertoire of work being as anti-virtuoso as possible. ‘The Visible Men’ is an hour long show featuring a lot more of the duo’s stand-up/contemporary dance routine.

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Ballet Lorent ‘Designer Body’

From left field comes a performance you would never expect and on some levels looks like it was designed to test the stamina of the dancers to their absolute limits.

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Probe ‘Magpie’

Often there are times when you go to the theatre for a show and feel a little short changed because all you got was one or two pieces of work and not a lot else. Not so with Probe however who put on no fewer than seven individual works for their evening of dance.

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Retina ‘This is not a body’

Our second video feature for Retina comes in the shape of ‘This is not a Body’ created by the company’s AD Fillip Van Huffel and set to a backdrop of shifting colours and shapes designed by Brian Hartley.