The Evil Imp

No Fun At All

A trip to Ireland this past weekend to film Dance Theatre of Ireland for an up and coming video feature was soured somewhat by the inevitable witless cretins whom, despite all claims to the contrary, make flying the most irritable method of transport in all of Christendom. I am of course referring to the ‘security’ […]

The Evil Imp

Clark and the Fawns

It is the signature song of the arts that self abusing – former or otherwise – screw-ups are looked upon with pitty, admiration and pride by a largely sycophantic, incestuous group of artists, media types and patrons who can barely bring themselves to question just exactly what it is that they are supporting. Michael Clark […]

The Evil Imp

Pillow Fight Club (Honest!)

Remember back in the day when Flash Mobs were a thing? People would gather in a given place, do something weird and then bugger off before anybody could figure out what was happening? Apparently they didn’t vanish off the face of the Earth, far from it. They have simply evolved into ever more inventive/lame (delete […]

The Evil Imp

Dance City Kindergarten

Dance City, one of the UK’s National Dance Agencies, is running a new project to try and get ‘young people’ (were not allowed to call them kids anymore) aged between 11-18 years old involved in the running of their facility for a year. We will bypass the obvious jokes about Dance City being run by […]

The Evil Imp

Dance Goes Political

For once the Guardian is doing an actual reporting job with their coverage of dance and the political scene with a piece by John O’Mahony. Leading off with a look at William Forsythe’s ‘Three Atmospheric Studies’, a piece about the war in Iraq, Mr O’Mahoney takes a look at whether or not dance should be […]

The Evil Imp

Grinding It Out

The Place Prize moves ever closer to its conclusion in London this week as the five finalist slug it out for the £25,000 first prize in the worlds only contemporary dance competition where the prize is cash. The audience for the opening shows have spoken and they have chosen Jonathan Lunn, Freddie Opoku Addaie, Nina […]

The Evil Imp

Guardian Drops The Scissors

It’s Autumn so it must be time for the Guardian’s annual puff piece on dance to make all of their readers think that the paper is smart and reports on things that smart people like, such as the arts. This years march into idiotic reporting, written by Emma John, explores that most troubling of dilemmas, […]

SD Video Video

Scottish Dance Theatre ‘No Stronger Than a Flower’

When we told one of our contemporaries that Article19 had been to Edinburgh to see Scottish Dance Theatre and the performance was rather good, said contemporary looked slightly bemused as to why these particular hardened foot soldiers had enjoyed lots of sword skipping and reels!

The Evil Imp

Explosive Soap

It took two years and many trips on planes for TheLab™ to figure out how to transport one multi-part video camera, digital SLR, several lenses, a laptop computer and other sensitive equipment without having to rely on the troglodytes that always get hired to load planes with luggage. It is a thing of beauty to […]

The Evil Imp

Sobering Thought For The Day

Amid the usual hysterics and hyperbole from the media and those who should know better regarding yesterdays complete over reaction security problems at UK airports it’s nice to read a well thought out editorial opinion from the press. The New York Times offers some solid perspective on the situation. [ NY Times Editorial ]