The Evil Imp

Place Prize, Oh Good Christ

Once again the ramshackle excuse for choreography on the cheap rolls into view with the re-emergence of the worlds most painfully dull marketing exercise. Like a creature lurking from the murky depths of a poisoned lagoon; it rears its ugly head on a suspecting public for another round of Pop Idol, contemporary dance style. We […]

The Evil Imp

David Lammy Unhinged

The ruling Labour government here in the UK has responded to the ongoing apathy toward the arts in much the same way it responds to most things, they have released a ‘pamphlet’ (stop giggling at the back) Actually the pamphlet was released by Demos, a progressive think tank often in step with the government, and […]

The Evil Imp

Money Laundering!

Making money in the arts is a puzzle few are able to solve and often times it seems impossible. The trick to making money it would appear is to not be an artist or posses any kind of actual talent rather, just tell people how to fund raise and you can make a packet! (or […]


Value vs Cost

by Neil Nisbet Here at Article19 we are quick to comment on Arts Council England and large dance organisations when it appears they are not doing their jobs quite as effectively as we might expect them to. We rarely pass comment on the failings of choreographers, particularly those new to the field, when they make […]

SD Video Video

Bare Bones 5 ‘And Then Gone’

The Evil Imp

Why They Hate Us!

Thumbing through the latest copy of Dance UK’s magazine, a feat of herculean effort because the thing is so dry it is actually able to repel standing water, it became very obvious why the good folks of Planet Earth don’t embrace contemporary dance with as much gusto as they otherwise might. Let’s start with the […]

The Evil Imp

Stop Smoking Crack!!

I’m not sure what kinds of illicit narcotics or how much the newsletter writer over at Impulstanz is smoking but it must be a fair amount because they have been keeping us entertained for years with their fabulous emails. The surreal writings are either a staggeringly complex intellectual exercise that we just don’t get here […]


Dance Europe And Israel

by Neil Nisbet The news story reported yesterday on Article19 and a few days before in the dance ‘blogosphere ‘ concerning Dance Europe and their policy of not featuring Israeli dance companies unless they denounce their own government’s policies regarding The West Bank and Gaza Strip shows a disturbing level of arrogance and lack of […]

The Evil Imp

Threat Level Update

It’s sad to see the threat level is still on ‘Oh Good Christ’ so here’s a quick round up of some of the things keeping the threat level up in the higher reaches of insanity. 1. Dance City and their flyer for the Northern Lights Youth Dance Festival. A hideous mix of bright red and […]

The Evil Imp

Dance Under Threat!

A quick glance to the left reveals two new indicators on the current state of our mood, here in the Lab, and the current state of contemporary dance in general, in the shape of our multi-coloured threat assesment. Dance, like most things, can ebb and flow with the times and our specialists are keeping a […]