SD Video Video

Motionhouse ‘Perfect’

When most people want to play in the sand they make their way to the beach. Motionhouse on the other hand prefer to cart it around with them on tour for their new show ‘Perfect’. Sand, slings, paper, water and little sand people all play their part in the company’s new show. Article19 brings you […]


Ace and the 3 Year Stretch

On the 17th of March Arts Council England released its spending plans for the next three years following the governments announcement late last year that arts funding would be frozen at current levels until 2008 at least. With the funding standstill some 121 organisations will no longer receive regular funding from ACE. Article19 takes a […]

SD Video Video

Transitions Dance Company

SD Video Video

Irven Lewis ‘Ignite’

The recent Big Mission festival for new black choreography hosted by DanceXchange in Birmingham revealed a wide variety of choreography and creative ideas. Today we bring you Irven Lewis and ‘Ignite’ performed on Thursday 3rd February 2005. Festivals can be a bit hit and miss with the type of works on offer but BiMi (as […]


Retreats Don’t Add Up

by Neil Nisbet Documents made available to Article19 under the Freedom of Information Act have shown that your average meeting of dance makers can cost an awful lot more than you might imagine. Such is the case with DanceEast’s “Rural Retreats” which over the next two years will cost a staggering £260,000. Arts Council England […]

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Interview Andrew Dixon (ACE)

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Charlotte Vincent Interview

SD Video Video

Vincent Dance Theatre ‘Punchdrunk’


Resolution Resolution

by Ira Schiff As Resolution progresses through yet another year Ira Schiff asks just what will all the companies do once it’s over? Opportunities are few and funding is a rare commodity. The question is asked by most every year and there are still few answers to be had, particularly from those in the position […]


2004 End of Year Review

The end of the year is nigh and since we don ‘t know what nigh means and we can ‘t be bothered finding out writing an end of year review is probably the next best thing. There have been highs, a few, and lows, far too many and Article19 almost hit the delete key and […]