SD Video Video

S4[one] RASA

RASA Video from 2003

RASA was created by S4one Dance Company (now consigned to a very small part of the history of contemporary dance) in 2001. It was created specifically to be presented online at a time when the availability of dance on the Internet was pretty much non-existent.

Well here we are a couple of years later and dance on the Internet is still almost non existent. Some of the websites have become a little better in the design and information stakes but video material is still in very short supply.

Now with better compression technology in the shape of QuickTime6, Article19 have brought RASA back. The video received 2,000+ downloads last time out which for an unknown dance company is fairly admirable (at least we think so, Ed!).

RASA is performed by Emma Torrington who also created the movement. Filming and editing was done by Article19 and the music was specially created by Peter Jordan.

Since the company no longer exists you can’t get any more information even if you wanted it. Instead; if you know of any good dance films which have never seen the light of day or you have made said dance film that has never seen the light of day then send it to us and we will put it online and let the world make up its own mind.

[This video was upgraded in January 2011]