The Evil Imp

Javier Booted from BBC

BBC News is reporting that the BBC (it’s always a bit weird when they do that!) is shelving plans to run all four acts of ‘In The Spirit of Diaghilev’ from its Christmas schedule. The four acts of the performance, all created by different dance makers, run as one show but the segment created by […]

The Evil Imp

Stop Laughing At The Back!

Sadler’s Wells Theatre makes it back into the headlines, well here at least, after it was discovered they have the “best dance video on the web”! Seriously? Our editor laughed so hard he fell of his chair and broke a hip! The London theatre is apparently not content with declaring that it “is dance” (whatever […]

The Evil Imp

Still Here?

As the world gets metaphorically smaller thanks to the wonder/curse of the internet, online video, free communication systems and the PDF document making print material almost redundant British Dance Edition (BDE), in the eyes of some, is struggling to remain relevant. Next years event, hosted by DanceXchange (DX) in Birmingham from the 3rd to the […]

The Evil Imp

Mapping the Money

In a spectacular display of ignorance Arts Council England’s, so-called, “Dance Mapping Study” has come to the conclusion the rest of the dance world came to 25 years ago that dancers don’t get paid enough. We should either celebrate that the funding monolith showed up to the party at all or march en-masse to their […]

The Evil Imp

In Search of the Thoughtful Voice

As a form of communication text messaging has its uses, not very many for sure but it definitely has some practical purpose. Here in TheLab™ we’re struggling to think of one but there has to be one, right? In many ways text messages have become a metaphor for large parts of the internet. Keep it […]

The Evil Imp

A Bit of A Kicking

The Scottish Government, when it’s not spending huge sums of money on really ugly buildings for itself, can also be found spending huge sums of money (£343,000 to be exact) on really bad dance projects. ‘Off Kilter’ a co-production of works about tartan, haggis and short bread (probably) are being created by Janet Smith from […]

The Evil Imp

Trouping About

The sheer volume of insufferable cretins in the dance-world that occupy the higher echelons, self imposed or otherwise, of this particular art form can be readily identified by their use of one single word, that word is “troupe”. Everybody’s favourite, albeit usually inaccurate but what the hell, online encyclopedia, Wikipedia, doesn’t even lower itself to […]

The Evil Imp

Narcissus Made Whole

It’s no secret that here in TheLab™ we have very little time for the current AD of Sadler’s Wells Theatre in London, Alistair Spadling. If he’s not mouthing off some inscrutable crap about women he’s programming some of the most populist, conformist dance makers in Christendom for his venue. Mr Spalding has reached a new […]

The Evil Imp

Old Man Ashford

John Ashford, out going AD of The Place in London, has taken a parting shot at pretty much everything before he moves on to pastures new in Europe, where the grass is always, always, greener. In an interview with Time Out magazine (which Mr Ashford worked for many years ago) he berates British dance for […]

The Evil Imp

The Tangled Web They Weave

On may 11th Alistair Spalding the AD of Sadler’s Wells Theatre, quoted in the Guardian newspaper, uttered a couple of sentences that have, over the last few weeks, exposed just how inept large scale arts organisations are at answering simple questions. From a journalistic perspective it’s the gift that keeps on giving. Nothing is more […]