The Evil Imp

Dance Optional

Browsing around the performing arts podcast section on iTunes we, here in TheLab™, were surprised to see a new entry from those crazy kids at the Royal Opera House in London. The podcast covers the Royal Opera and the Royal Ballet with both video and audio segments on offer. Since Opera is the most ridiculous […]

The Evil Imp

Money Under The Bed

Arts Council England (ACE) continue their “good christ how bad a week are we having?” with the announcement of a £40Million (GBP) fund to help certain companies in the arts that may or may not be struggling during the current economic bun fight. Astute readers may have noticed the story earlier this week that mentioned […]

The Evil Imp

Dateline Antwerp

Belgium is home to some of the most hard core creatives in the dance world and now they’re taking it to the people with the project below that had 200 participants dancing a very tightly choreographed piece of work in the middle of an active train station in Antwerp. You will notice the complete lack […]

The Evil Imp

Mass Casualties

There are unconfirmed reports that at least 30-40 people have expired while watching Arts Council England’s online videos of their recent “Great Art” series of seminars held at the Sage Gateshead in, erm… Gateshead in the North East of England. Emergency services declined to comment on just how many instances of fatal “catatonic shock” have […]

The Evil Imp


It would appear that the awards people have been at it again. This curmudgeonly group of tweed wearing, tea drinking, scone scoffing individuals, smelling every so slightly of urine, have once again put their loafer covered feet firmly into their denture laden mouths. This time it’s the Olivier Awards and the septic group of individuals […]

The Evil Imp

Institutionally Bone Idle

On reflection this has not been a good couple of weeks for dance on the internet. The Hofesh thing didn’t work, Dance Uploaded TV is no good and now we have Sadler’s Wells Theatre (SWT) in London losing the plot completely with their launch of a global dance competition. What’s a “global dance competition” we […]

The Evil Imp

Ready For A Close Up?

What you are looking at above, and we know you’re wondering, is a dancer from Hofesh Shechter [Dance Company]. We’re not sure which one it is, it might be the man himself, but it’s hard, very hard, to tell. The image was captured during the live “web cast” from the Roundhouse Theatre in London this […]

The Evil Imp

DanceTV Uploaded! Why Bother?

With their latest attempt to provide an online experience for dance built, so very obviously, by committee we have Chisenhale Dance Space, East London Dance, Greenwich Dance Agency and Laban getting egg all over their collective face with The usual suspects are all in evidence. You can upload video, you can embed video, you […]

The Evil Imp

Don’t Be Good!

With Christopher Frayling’s whining voice ringing in our ears from the days old story of ACE not getting enough credit for being almost completely useless let’s take a look at a scenario from the recent past, shall we! Let’s take two dance companies, we’ll call them Company A and Company B, just for the sake […]

The Evil Imp

It’s Not About You.

The outgoing Chairman of Arts Council England and all around idiot savant Christopher Frayling (who has a Knighthood that we regard as irrelevant so it will not be used here we say) has used his final speech to prove how completely out of touch he really is. The Stage is quoting him, and we’re not […]