The Evil Imp

The Big Give

“We Double Your Donation” yells the large banner headline at the top of the Big Give website, a fund raising push financed by the Reed Foundation to raise money for various charities across the UK. Sounds good, you donate money to a charity and this other charity doubles that amount. So far so magnanimous. The […]

The Evil Imp

The Other Cartoon

Arts funding, it’s fair to everybody, as long as you know the right people of course!

The Evil Imp

The Cartoon

Which door is for you?

The Evil Imp

The Corruption Question

Over the next few months arts organisations that are currently in receipt of ACE funding on a regular basis (RFOs) are writing applications to be included in the new ‘National Portfolio Funding Programme’. Some will be successful and some will not. Some will have their funding go up and some will have their funding go […]

The Evil Imp

The Pile On

No, we’re not talking about the things that hold electric cables out of reach from the curious hands of small children. We’re talking about “piling on” when things are bad but you just need to keep kicking! So, a couple of weeks ago we berated DanceUK, the ACE funded dance advocacy group, a little for […]

The Evil Imp

The Data

Yesterday Arts Council England (ACE) announced that all of its regularly funded organisations (RFO) will be taking a cut in funding from them of 6.9% based on their budgets for the current financial year. If you check below you can see a detailed list of all dance related RFOs using numbers supplied by ACE. Our […]

The Evil Imp

Bad Acting, Bad Advocacy

DanceUK, the UK dance advocacy group, is relaunching its Dance Vote website or re-tasking it, whichever you prefer. It first appeared pre-election to get prospective candidates to voice their support for dance. On this occasion the aim is to get elected muppets MPs to, once again, voice their support for dance which faces possible cuts […]

The Evil Imp

Jeremy Hunt Is An Idiot

Now, we wanted to be a bit more blunt with the headline by way of an expletive orientated intensifier to make it “Jeremy Hunt is a F****** Idiot”. Alas, editorial guidelines don’t allow it so onward and upward. The Stage is reporting, sort of, the latest rant from the permanently smug Minister for Culture that […]

The Evil Imp

Save The Arts!

Now the title of this campaign might be a little on the melodramatic side but the intention is a least honourable. Organised by the Turning Point Network in London the idea is to get some high profile artists (whatever that means) to create work advocating the arts to politicians and joe public before they get […]

The Evil Imp

This BBC, This Slap on Head

Update: 11/09/10 – The BBC has repeated the inaccurate assertions made in another news story regarding funding cuts [here]. Did anything good ever come out of a survey? Politics, shopping, film, television, etc are all surveyed to oblivion but can a series of questions directed at a random number of people ever truly reflect a […]