
Stress Test

by Neil Nisbet There are many tasks that journalists must undertake during any given day but one of the most fundamental is conducting interviews. Whether it’s discussing the nature of things with a dance maker or a dancer about their work and profession or haranguing a politician or bureaucrat about their policy decisions the interview […]



Following Arts Council England’s announcement of their NPO portfolio on Wednesday March 30th it’s not too difficult, even with a cursory analysis, to determine that, as predicted, ACE has simply rearranged the deck chairs on a certain sinking ship. All the while hoping nobody is going to notice. Looking at the numbers issued by the […]


Action Reaction

by Neil Nisbet Arts Council England (ACE) has a plan, a philanthropy plan! Well, it’s not their plan it’s the DCMS’s plan and it was, evidently, dreamt up in a hour during a coffee break while the political hacks were figuring out how to work their new microwave oven. The Department for Culture Media and […]