The Evil Imp

Where Are We?

The last few weeks for dance and the arts in general have been one long list of stupid. From the outside looking in, the whole arts profession, from top to bottom, has the appearance of a clown car driving through a living manifestation of a Salvador Dali painting and driving that car are the alleged […]

The Evil Imp

Pas De Rojo

Dance companies do not make an appearance in the national press news pages that often. If they do it’s because the company is doing something stupid or the paper is running a fawning profile to fill up space in the culture section. Step forward English National Ballet, the company’s director Tamara Rojo and dance writer […]

The Evil Imp

What Lies Beneath

Dance is a sexist profession. It is gender biased towards men, this is demonstrable and undeniable. Women don’t get hired to top jobs as much as men and they don’t get commissioned as often as men despite outnumbering those men by a wide margin. It is simply not believable that when considering candidates for the […]

The Evil Imp

Minding The People’s Business

On occasion, we must turn to the fictional world to form the introduction to a written piece, so with that in mind; During an episode of the long running TV series ‘The West Wing’, a show concerned with the political intrigue of the office of the President of the United States, the character Danny Concannon, […]