HD Video Video

Dancer Profile ‘Joanne Pirrie’

Published on March 3rd 2012. At the time of publication Joanne was dancing with Errol White Company.

HD Video Video

Dancer Profile ‘Eshe Blake Bandele’

Published on February 25th 2012. At the time of publication Eshe was dancing with Verve.

HD Video Video

Dancer Profile ‘Lucy Bourne’

Published on February 25th 2012. At the time of publication Lucy was dancing with Verve.

HD Video Video

Dancer Profile ‘Erin Harty’

Published on January 25th 2012. At the time of publication Erin was dancing with Retina Dance Company.

HD Video Video

Dancer Profile ‘Mathew Slater’

Published on January 25th 2012. At the time of publication Mathew was dancing with Retina Dance Company.