HD Video Video


As a boy Hetain Patel was an avid actor-impersonator; in particular he worked with characters from the American movies until he identified with them completely. In American Boy he brings to life characters from his childhood: Spiderman, Agent Smith from Matrix, Eddie Murphy, Bruce Lee and many more in a playful and seamless synthesis of […]

HD Video Video

Candoco Dance Company ‘Interview Feature’

Candoco are back with two new(ish) pieces of work that illustrate that rep companies have the advantage when it comes to creative variety in pieces. ‘Let’s Talk about Dis’ from visual artist Hetain Patel and ‘Notturnino’ by little known, to these shores, Swiss dance maker Thomas Hauert make up the evening. While ‘Notturnino’ concerns itself […]

HD Video Video

Candoco Dance Company ‘Notturino’

Candoco are back with two new(ish) pieces of work that illustrate that rep companies have the advantage when it comes to creative variety in pieces. ‘Let’s Talk about Dis’ from visual artist Hetain Patel and ‘Notturnino’ by little known, to these shores, Swiss dance maker Thomas Hauert make up the evening. While ‘Notturnino’ concerns itself […]

HD Video Video

Candoco Dance Company ‘Let’s Talk about Dis’

Candoco are back with two new(ish) pieces of work that illustrate that rep companies have the advantage when it comes to creative variety in pieces. ‘Let’s Talk about Dis’ from visual artist Hetain Patel and ‘Notturnino’ by little known, to these shores, Swiss dance maker Thomas Hauert make up the evening. While ‘Notturnino’ concerns itself […]