HD Video Video

Panta Rei Danseteater ‘huset GranNabo’

A welcome return to Article19 for Norwegian dance company Panta Rei Danseteater and a new double bill featuring works from the company AD’s Pia Holden and Anne Ekenes along with Swedish dance maker Camilla Ekelöf. The works focus on the relations between the two countries, Norway and Sweden with Panta Rei’s own work ‘Ja, vi […]

HD Video Video

Panta Rei Danseteater ‘Interview Feature’

Today we bring you our third feature from our recent visit to the Coda Oslo International Dance Festival in the shape of the all female dance company Panta Rei who hail from Oslo. The Norwegian folk take us back a time when dance works could actually be about something that was neither mean nor depressing. […]

HD Video Video

Panta Rei Danseteater ‘I Wish Her Well’ Feature

Today we bring you our third feature from our recent visit to the Coda Oslo International Dance Festival in the shape of the all female dance company Panta Rei who hail from Oslo. The Norwegian folk take us back a time when dance works could actually be about something that was neither mean nor depressing. […]

HD Video Video

CodaUng Documentary

Something a little bit different here in the shape of a short documentary we made for the Coda Oslo International Dance Festival in Norway back in October. The festival runs every two years but on occasion, in the off year, they run a mini-festival and for 2012 that festival was focused on Coda Ung (Coda […]

SD Video Video

Panta Rei Danseteater ‘Private Rite’

It has been more than 3 years since we last featured the goings on at one of Norway’s brightest dance companies. With their latest touring efforts we have ‘Private Rite’ from Canadian dancesmith Hélène Blackburn and ‘WeFiction’ created by the company. With Panta Rei we have a company that’s all about the movement and custom […]