HD Video Video

Tom Dale Dance ‘Digitopia’ Feature

Such is the way of things in the wider world of dance that it has been almost three years since we last featured a piece of work from Tom Dale Dance. on that occasion it was Refugees of the Septic Heart and this time out it is a work for children entitled ‘Digitopia’. The work […]

HD Video Video

Tom Dale Dance ‘Digitopia’ Interview Feature

Such is the way of things in the wider world of dance that it has been almost three years since we last featured a piece of work from Tom Dale Dance. on that occasion it was Refugees of the Septic Heart and this time out it is a work for children entitled ‘Digitopia’. The work […]

HD Video Video

Tom Dale Company ‘Refugees of the Septic Heart’

Most small scale dance companies will try very hard to keep things simple, what with tight budgets, smaller venues and limited resources. Not so for Tom Dale Company who are about to embark on a stint at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe with ‘Refugees of the Septic Heart’. The show feature 6 dancers, almost as many […]

HD Video Video

2Faced Dance Company ‘Interview Feature’

At no point in this intro will we use the phrases “high octane”, “high powered”, “visceral” or “Keyser Söze”…… not that we would use the last one anyway but still. We, here in the TheLab™ and, probably, 2Faced Dance Company are a bit tired of such phrases. So, the Hereford based company took to the […]

HD Video Video

2Faced Dance Company ‘7.0’

At no point in this intro will we use the phrases “high octane”, “high powered”, “visceral” or “Keyser Söze”…… not that we would use the last one anyway but still. We, here in the TheLab™ and, probably, 2Faced Dance Company are a bit tired of such phrases. So, the Hereford based company took to the […]